What’s in a Name? Almanzo Wilder

I say Almanzo, do you say Almonzo?

Sarah's Notebook

AlmanzoBirthday“There is no one in the family to carry on the name of Almanzo. I am very sorry and wish some Wilder family would so name a son.”

Wilder, Laura Ingalls. Letter to Miss Webber. 11 February 1952.

If anyone out there is fortunate enough to have a last name of Wilder. I think this is a great idea. 😉 There were a number of Almanzos in New York state about the time he was born. Most traced back some how to a particular doctor that was very well thought of. I’m not sure where our Almanzo’s name came from, but I think (and this is only my opinion) that whole Crusader story was an embellishment of Rose’s.

It has always been a slippery name with being pronounced on the TV Show Al-MON-zo. The Hallmark radio version of The Long Winter also wrongly pronounced it this way. People (like the…

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Sarah Uthoff - Trundlebed Tales

Sarah S. Uthoff is a nationally known Laura Ingalls Wilder authority and has presented at five of the Wilder homesites, many times at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, many conferences and numerous libraries, museums, and events around the Midwest. She is the main force behind Trundlebed Tales fighting to bring the History, Mystery, Magic, and Imagination of Laura Ingalls Wilder and other greats of children’s literature and history to life for a new generation. How can you help? Attend one of her programs, schedule one yourself, watch her videos, listen to her podcast, look at her photos, and find her on Facebook , Twitter , Google+, LinkedIn , SlideShare, and Academia.edu . Professionally she is a reference librarian at Kirkwood Community College and former director of the Oxford (Iowa) Public Library.

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